

Choose and Book a ‘fiasco’, claims BMA chair

The chairman of the British Medical Association has criticised the government’s choice agenda and dubbed Choose and Book a “fiasco”
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Practices under pressure to go with LSPs’ suppliers

Practices are continuing to face pressure to change to their local service provider’s preferred computer supplier despite an agreement three
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New twist in medical records opt-out saga

The government ‘does not envisage any circumstances’ where a patient’s decision to have some or all of their health record
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Commons to debate practice manager’s opt-out case

Medical records and the case of Helen Wilkinson, who tried unsuccessfully to opt out of centrally-stored NHS electronic recording, will
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Computer access for hospital doctors poor, say BMA

Some hospital doctors are expressing concerns that they do not have enough access to computers and e-mail to do their
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LMCs to debate no confidence motion in PCOs IT

IT funding for GPs, Choose and Book and patient confidentiality are all set to be the subject of criticism from
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New professional standards for team records

Regulators of health professionals have signed up to new standards for keeping records of team-based care in all formats, including
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Electronic record content still up for discussion

The question of what information will go on a local record and what will go on a national summary record
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Baby steps

E-Health Insider Primary Care reports on two pilot initiatives in sharing of children's details between local authority and health service
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Comments wanted on Care Record Guarantee

Questions about the content of local health records and summary records and the options patients should have on information recorded
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