

NHS Direct to connect to Spine in 2008

NHS Direct is aiming to connect to the NHS Spine in 2008, in what should be a key step towards
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Overseas data work under review, say reports

The government is reportedly reviewing whether sensitive information about NHS patients could be sent overseas for processing. A leaked internal
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Losing patient data may become a crime

The court should be able to prosecute doctors who have laptops containing unencrypted patient information stolen from their cars, according
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Survey shows waning support for NPfIT

Waning enthusiasm from doctors for the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) is recorded in a Medix survey of medical opinion
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Government rejects consent call for SUS use

The government has rejected calls from the Commons Health Select Committee to apply consent to the use of Secondary Uses
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Patient data extraction software dropped by DH

The Department of Health has dropped plans to use Apollo software to extract patient data from GP practice systems this
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Scottish pharmacies want emergency records access

Community Pharmacy Scotland, representing the owners of Scotland’s 1200 chemists, has made appropriate access to the Scottish Emergency Care Summary
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Patient confidentiality extends beyond death

The Information Tribunal has ruled that medical records of a dead woman should not be released, because there is still
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Celebrity’s details illicitly viewed by NHS staff

Reports that the records of a celebrity were illicitly viewed by over 50 members of staff at an NHS hospital
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Stolen laptop prompts security reminder

GP practices have been reminded of their responsibilities for patient information following the theft of a practice laptop from a
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