

Summary care records planned for end of 2008

Connecting for Health is planning for every patient in England to have a complete Summary Care Record by the end
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Read code will trigger care record opt-out

The Read code 93C3 will be used as one way of identifying patients who do not wish to have a
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CD record transfers opposed by Hampshire PCT

A primary care trust has recommended that GP practices do not transfer patient records using a CD citing concerns over
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A world of good

Some of the best ideas for e-health around the World were brought together for the Imagine Cup. Joe Fernandez reports.
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Call for pay to discuss records with patients

GP representatives are calling for GP practices to be paid for the work involved in discussing records with patients before
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Patients to be able to veto spine uploads

Health minister Lord Warner yesterday announced a significant u-turn in government policy on patient’s details being automatically loaded onto the
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Opt-out consent model to be kept for SCR

 The government is to stick to its plan that patients must opt-out of the NHS Care Records Service (NCRS), although
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Ministerial review to back summary care records

The government is today expected to announce that it will press ahead with plans to begin trials of a national
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Don’t opt-out patients by default, GPs advised

GP practices concerned about the confidentiality of patient records under the NHS Care Records Service have been advised not to
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DH rejects patient opt-out requests

The Department of Health has rejected patients’ requests to stop their information being uploaded to the NHS data spine. On
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