

Review says e-SAP fragmented and lacks standards

A Connecting for Health review of implementations of the electronic single assessment process (e-SAP) has revealed a lack of integration
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Child index could make youngsters anxious

The Children’s Commissioner says the government’s plans to create a national database of every child in England could create anxiety
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Publicity blitz for Scotland’s Emergency Care Summary

Scotland has launched a public information campaign about the transition to electronic health records with a leaflet on its Emergency
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CfH looking for PCTs to trial summary record

NHS Connecting for Health is looking for primary care trusts to become early adopters for the NHS Care Records Service
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NHS Alliance calls for debate on care records

The organisation representing primary care trusts is calling for an urgent public debate about the consent model for the NHS
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GPs and their families urged to boycott NHS ‘spine’

GP representatives are advising GPs and their families to consider withdrawing themselves from the NHS spine “as an example to
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LMCs to discuss “threat to civil liberties” from data spine

GPs are to call for their confidentiality concerns over the NHS Care Records Service to be resolved before any further
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Senior GPs say CfH response on security ‘encouraging’

The two senior GP representatives in the UK are writing to GP practices to outline “the encouraging response” they have
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Hants and IOW share records for 1.5 million patients

Hospital and GP records for 1.5 million patients are to be available for the NHS to share in a ground-breaking
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GP lead warns on political perils

Connecting for Health GP clinical lead, Dr Gillian Braunold, has challenged colleagues to keep arguments about the minutiae of IT
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