
CfH changes tack on GP Systems of Choice

NHS Connecting for Health has decided to go out to tender for suppliers to take part in GP Systems of
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Sheffield concluded iPM was ‘not fit for purpose’

A confidential review of the two Local Service Provider versions of iSoft’s iPM patient administration system carried out by Sheffield
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System C to aid Fujitsu in NHS CRS rollout

System C has announced that it has signed a contract with Fujitsu to support its work implementing the NHS Care
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Treasury decision on GPSoC still pending

A decision on the full business case for GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) is still awaited from the Treasury, Connecting
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CSC say they want to take over from Accenture

CSC today confirmed they would compete to take over from Accenture, should the company withdraw from its contracts to the
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MPs prescribe ‘rescue’ plan for NHS IT project

The government has been urged to rethink its £12.4bn NHS IT project, and replace its current highly centralised national strategy
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Implementation dates for hospitals continue to slip

An investigation by E-Health Insider has found that two-thirds of the 22 NHS acute trusts that were meant to be
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Accenture winds down acute hospital trust work

Accenture, the local service provider for the NHS IT programme in the North-east and East of England, is winding down
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Press reports question future roles of iSoft and Accenture

Weekend press reports raised further questions over the future shape of the NHS National Programme for IT and the long
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CSC takes charge of seven ‘out of cluster’ trusts

Computer Sciences Corporation, the local service provider for the North-west and West Midlands is to take over responsibility for the
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