

Government to scrap Audit Commission

News has leaked out that ministers are to scrap the Audit Commission and transfer its audit arm to the private
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London looks for new deal with Microsoft

Chief information officers and IT directors in London are hoping to explore a capital-wide deal with Microsoft following the termination
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DH looks to IT suppliers for savings

Health minister Simon Burns has said that the Department of Health is targeting ICT products and services worth ÂŁ6m in
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Treasury frets about GP commissioning

NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has admitted that the Treasury is concerned abut the government’s plans to hand secondary care
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Intellect: ‘cuts mean IT investment’

The chair of Intellect’s Health Group, Jeremy Nettle, has told E-Health Insider he expects increased investment in health IT in
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Lansley: ‘NHS not protected from change’

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has warned the NHS it cannot expect the funding increases it has enjoyed in the recent
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Public spending hit in grim Budget

Chancellor George Osborne has confirmed that lower public spending will form the bulk of the government’s action to reduce Britain’s
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NHS ordered to halve management costs

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has scrapped some key NHS performance targets and told the health service it must save at
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NHS Direct pilots home working

NHS Direct is to consider allowing a large number of its staff to work from home, if a pilot shows positive
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EPR cuts Middlesex GUM treatment times

Researchers at Central Middlesex Hospital have found that the implementation of an electronic patient record system in the genito-urinary medicine
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