cyber security


Cyber security is critical to the future of the NHS

Jon Hoeksma explains why Digital Health News has launched a Cyber Security Hub; and why the NHS needs to wake
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Davey Winder: hacking healthcare

Security journalist Davey Winder starts a new series of columns on Digital Health’s Cyber Security Hub by asking: what is
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Letter from HIMSS16

Dr Shaun O’Hanlon, the chief medical officer of Emis Group, was in Las Vegas last week for HIMSS16. In this
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Enter the CCG: on IG, security, and the fear of being shot

Dr John Lockley chaired a conference on the vexed and difficult questions of information governance and cyber-security; and found that
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Enter the CCG: on the snail at the backdoor

John Lockley worries that the NHS is going down the line of centralised, expensive ‘solutions’ to cybercrime, when what it
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Laying the foundations for the digital revolution

Terry Espiner, client director - UK healthcare at Cisco Systems, talks to Digital Health editor Jon Hoeksma about why digital
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Special report: Cybersecurity

The Chancellor is warning of cyber terrorism. US healthcare organisations are under siege from hackers. Should the NHS be alarmed?
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HSCIC launches cyber security service

A new NHS cyber security service - CareCERT - will be up and running by January 2016, the Health and
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US health CIOs catch on to phishing threat

Cybersecurity has forced itself onto the agenda of US healthcare chief information officers and become a hot button issue for
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