

Here was the news for 2008

The past 12 months in primary care IT have seen the implementation of a scheme to secure GP IT system
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That was the year that was…

Say goodbye to 2008 with E-Health Insider’s news review.
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SCR integrated into Adastra

Out-of-hours provider Adastra has delivered an integrated solution for the Summary Care Record that will make access to the SCR
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Insider view: Jon Hoeksma

E-Health Insider editor Jon Hoeksma on the Operating Framework and the future of the National Programme.
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Shake up in Informatics Planning

Local health communities have been instructed to move towards “information-led rather than service-led planning” and to create new structures to
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Operating Framework stresses savings and Darzi

NHS organisations have been told to sort out their finances in preparation for making “very substantial efficiency savings” in 2010-11,
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Hard Times?

What does this week’s pre-budget report mean for the NHS and its IT? Fiona Barr investigates.
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BT e-Health Insider Awards 2008: live on the night

Almost 400 people gathered at the Millennium Mayfair hotel for the BT e-Health Insider Awards 2008. Lyn Whitfield was among
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Health check highlights record keeping issues

The Healthcare Commission has once again identified record keeping as one of the weakest areas of NHS performance in its
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Healthcare Interoperability Preview

Brian Derry tells Jon Hoeksma why interoperability underpins the future digital NHS.
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