Decision support


Cash injection

After GE's purchase of IDX, are more medical systems companies eyeing up the healthcare IT market? Industry analyst James MacPherson
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Electronic records ‘a first step’ to knowledge-based care

Electronic records are just the first step in harnessing information and communication technology to improve clinical care – the real
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Wirral’s gateway to care

Pete Marsh, technical director of Wirral Health Informatics, outlines the needs and obstacles often not considered by those implementing clinical
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NHS Direct may lack capacity to handle OOH calls

NHS Direct may have insufficient capacity to manage out of hours (OOH) care in the integrated fashion envisaged by the
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Forrest answers NPfIT communication concerns

  Martyn Forrest, Regional Implementation Director (RID) for the North East cluster and acting RID for London, has promised to
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E-health and the EU

The UK's presidency of the EU promises to be a significant one for e-health, Lyn Whitfield reports.
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Better information and IT in view for kidney care

IT to support primary care staff whose work includes prevention of and treatment for kidney disease is a key component
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Judge for yourself

Do electronic health records have any force in law? American correspondent Neil Versel reports from the TEPR conference in Salt
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NHS Direct software may expand abroad after buyout

The firm that supplies the decision support software which forms the basis of the NHS Direct, NHS Direct Wales and
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Computer use embedded in new doctors’ curriculum

The use of modern IT systems and a willingness to use and learn about new technology have been included as
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