Decision support


10 Ways To Improve NHS IT – a Hospital Doctor’s View

Hospital doctor, Andrew Harrison, worked in IT before studying medicine. His unusual background prompted E-Health Insider to ask him to
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‘Radical Steps’ Urged to Boost Health Informatics

The British Computer Society (BCS) has warned that unless urgent action is taken 40 years accumulated experience of health informatics
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Computerised Guidelines Show No Effect on Asthma and Angina Management

Computerised, evidence-based guidelines showed no effect on the management of adult asthma and angina patients in primary care, according to
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Combined Government Gateway Review Due for IT Programme

The National NHS IT Programme is scheduled to be submitted to a combined Government Gateway review by the end of
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Medicdirect Launches Doctor Direct Helpline Service

UK health information website Medicdirect which currently supplies many of the leading ISP’s and broadcasters including Freeserve, NTL, GMTV, Telewest
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NAO Praises NHS Direct Implementation

The first national evaluation of NHS Direct, the flagship NHS nurse-led telephone health advice service, concludes that the service has
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Misys Wins its Biggest Health IT Contract

UK IT firm Misys plc has signed its largest ever healthcare contract – in a deal to supply an enterprise-wide
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2002 to be Year E-Health Grows Up

As the dust of the dotcom crash clears, 2002 will be the year that the e-health gets down to business
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InferMed Partners with BMJ’s Clinical Evidence

The BMJ Publishing Group has teamed up with InferMed, a leading UK provider of clinical software, to assess the feasibility
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New E-Prescribing Alliance Between Merck-Medco and Cybear

A new alliance in US electronic prescribing will deliver real-time access to medication data to physicians at the point of
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