

Tunstall teams up with Honeywell HomMed

Tunstall, the UK telecare and telehealth solutions specialist, has formed an distribution and alliance agreement with Honeywell HomMed, a leading
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Europe-wide heart monitoring trial shows promise

The organisers of a recently completed pan-European trial aimed at finding out if telecare can be an effective tool in
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‘ID card’ devices to protect lone NHS staff

NHS staff working alone in the community are to be issued with mobile communication devices designed to help them call
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Pathfinder on the track of IT assets

A solution designed to help hospital and primary care trusts identify and maintain records of their technology assets has been
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Standard NHS user interface to be developed

Microsoft has announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Programme for IT to deliver a
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IT and wireless tech aiding elderly and disabled

Two new wireless-based devices which aim to give elderly and disabled people greater independence both inside and outside their home
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Laptop and mobile ban lifted in new MHRA guidelines

The Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued new guidelines about the use of wireless communication and electronics in hospitals
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BMA asks for clarity on care record issues

Doctors at the British Medical Association’s Annual Representative Meeting at Llandudno have demanded that the NHS Care Records System should not
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Does Dr Robot usher in new era of metal medics?

From automated call-centre systems to car assembly factories, it seems that wherever you look, a robot is waiting to take
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MDU warns doctors of picture messaging dangers

The Medical Defence Union has advised doctors to think twice before using picture mobile phones to take and send digital
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