Digital Health Intelligence


NHS hospitals won’t be paperless before 2027

A new report from market research firm Digital Health Intelligence concludes the government’s target for all NHS hospitals to become
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CDMI trends show funds will be needed to hit paperless 2020

Achieving a fully digital NHS will not be achieved before 2020 without significant additional funding, Digital Health Intelligence analysis of
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HSCIC Digital Leaders Programme launched

Key NHS IT and clinical staff will connect with the people developing and running national systems for health and care
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NHS England backs IT leader networks

NHS England is supporting the continued development of the Chief Clinical Information Officer Network and Health Chief Information Officer Network,
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EHI Awards 2015 open for entries

Entries are now open for the EHI Awards 2015, which will be presented at a new venue in the heart
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CCIO network project team appointed

A talented team of three highly experienced clinical information leaders has agreed to take on project roles with the CCIO
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Digital Health Intelligence launched

The founders of EHealth Media Limited, publishers of eHealth Insider, have established a new company to better serve those communities
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