Digital Health Networks


Networks debate panel believe there is no current NHS EPR monopoly

In a Digital Health Networks debate, the panel shared the view that currently there is not a monopoly in the
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DMA results show only 10-30% of trusts with an EPR have key functionality

Results from the Digital Maturity Assessment have shown that only 10-30% of the 90% of NHS trusts with an electronic
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Digital Health Networks launches The Birmingham Declaration 

Digital Health Networks has launched The Birmingham Declaration; a statement providing a focus and a framework of priorities for the
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Digital Health Networks Mentoring Programme launches

The Digital Health Networks Mentoring Programme has launched to support those seeking personal growth in CCIO, CIO or CNIO equivalent
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Digital Health Networks Debate: the NHS is ready for clinical use of AI 

A recent Digital Health Networks debate looked at beliefs about the use of AI into healthcare and concluded it can
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Is the Federated Data Platform too expensive to cancel?

Sticking with a hugely expensive plan to develop a ‘mythical beast’ of a fighter plane in the 1960s did not
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Digital Health Networks webinar debates Federated Data Platform

NHS England’s proposed Federated Data Platform was the subject of a lively Digital Networks Webinar debate on September 8. 
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Digital Health Networks launches survey of views about the community

Digital Health wants to know what Digital Health Networks members think of the community and is currently running its third
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Digital Networks: virtual wards require enthusiastic and engaged leaders 

The introduction of virtual wards, already accelerating across the country, requires the involvement of enthusiastic and engaged leaders for success.
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New Network chairs and vice chairs voted in

The new chairs and vice chairs of the CCIO, CIO and CNIO Network Advisory Panels have been selected in by
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