Discharge letters


Discharge letter targets will create two-tier care

The NHS Alliance claims government targets for discharge letters will create a two tier system on a critical patient safety
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Evolution, not revolution

Jens Naumann, head of the German industrial association of health IT companies, talks to Philipp Gratzel about the forthcoming roll
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German smartcard rollout brought forward

In a surprise move, the German health IT agency, Gematik, has accelerated the schedule of the German national smartcard project
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Drug test

In his second article in the series, Pete Marsh, technical director of Wirral Health Informatics service, looks at specific issues
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GPs say they are not being listened to

Lack of consultation and the threat to GPs existing computer systems are the biggest failings of the National Programme for
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Placing XML at the Heart of Hospital Trust’s IM&T Strategy

Following E-Health Insider s XML in health feature two week s ago, Philip Firth, IM&T Strategy Implementation Manager at Wrightington,
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