

DTI Funds Diabetes E-Health Project

Docobo (UK) Ltd has been awarded a Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) SMART research and development grant for an
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Data Improvements Essential to Make GP Monitoring Work

Researchers at Imperial College London have devised a system for monitoring mortality rates which could help to alert authorities to
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ISoft and Torex Announce Merger Plans

iSoft and Torex, two of the UK’s leading health IT firms announced this week that they intended to merge to
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ETP Pilots Ended for 5,000 Patients

The two remaining operational pilots for electronic transfer of prescriptions ETP are to be ended by the Department of Health
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National Programme ‘Mobilises’ for Delivery

The shape of things to come on NHS IT started to become clearer during the course of Healthcare Computing with
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‘Trust Me’, I’m the Director-General

NHS Director-General of IT Richard Granger this week used his first major public speech to make a personal appeal to
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Over 2000 Reponses For NHSIA Confidentiality Campaign

Over 2000 responses to the NHS Information Authority’s national consultation on confidentiality are being analysed and early results are expected
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Scottish Waiting List Database Full of Errors

A waiting times database set up by the Scottish NHS to provide patients with faster access to treatment has come
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Technologies Open Up New Consultation Possibilities

The importance of public services embracing new technology in their consultations with users and citizens is emphasised in a new
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The NHS and the IT Industry: Over to You (part 2)

Last week, E-Health Insider published a round-up of comments from readers on the apparent new hard line on suppliers being
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