Google Health


HealthSpace expansion plans shelved

The Department of Health has shelved plans for a massive expansion of its personal health record project, HealthSpace.
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Politicians question major IT projects

Opposition politicians are lining up to promise to scrap major IT projects as the full scale of the coming public
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Google Health now made for sharing

Google Health has unveiled a new feature of its online personal health record that allows users to share their medical
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IBM teams with Google to mobilise patient data

New software to enable data to be easily moved from remote personal monitoring devices into Google Health personal health records
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Google joins Continua e-health alliance

Google has joined Continua Health Alliance, the Intel-led international coalition working to develop standards to enable interoperable e-health products and
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Google Health launched

Internet search giant Google yesterday unveiled Google Health, its online personal health record service.
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Google CEO unveils Google Health

The veil came off the world’s worst-kept secret in healthcare IT Thursday, as Google chairman and chief executive Eric Schmidt
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Google Health unveils electronic record pilot

Google is piloting a system which lets patients transfer their existing medical information to its new online Personal Health Record.
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Google announces healthcare search clustering

Google has announced that people looking for healthcare terms on its front page will now have the option to see
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