

All-Wales Approach Proposed for Electronic Records

The long-awaited strategy for health information in Wales proposes a corporate, all-Wales approach to the development of electronic records and
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Data Grid Announced for UK Mammography Research

IBM, Oxford University and the U.K. government have announced plans to build a distributed computing network, or next generation ‘data
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Combined Government Gateway Review Due for IT Programme

The National NHS IT Programme is scheduled to be submitted to a combined Government Gateway review by the end of
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Planning Blight Accusation For IT Programme

Over 300 IT suppliers and would-be suppliers to the NHS packed the QE2 Conference Centre in London last week for
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Personal Health Journal Advocated

A US group of health reformers has advocated the development of a Personal Health Journal, a voluntary system of electronic
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More Women Seek Online Health Information

A new European survey has found women are more likely than men to seek health information online. Although men are
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Capula Acquires Elan Technologies

Elan Technologies, the UK provider of healthcare information systems, has been acquired by Capula Ltd, a provider of IT solutions
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New Director General of NHS IT Appointed

The NHS’s first ever director general of information is Richard Granger who joins the service from Deloitte Consulting. Mr Granger
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Hospital Appointment Alerts Software Under Development

Cd U cm 2 St Swithins nxt wk? A future in which patients could be alerted to changes in hospital
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Suppliers Told Details of IT Strategy Imminent

A unique meeting held in London last week saw over 200 leading NHS IT suppliers, and would be suppliers, gather
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