
‘Postcode lottery’ for GP IT

GPs are at risk of a ā€œpostcode lotteryā€ of IT support that will affect practice performance and ultimately patient care,
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Massive disparities in GP IT spend

Expenditure on GP IT varies enormously nationwide from between just 50p per head of population in Wiltshire to nearly Ā£10
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Southern CSU focuses on intelligence

NHS South Commissioning Support Unit will focus on making valuable intelligence readily available to commissioners and managing their external IT
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CCGs get Ā£186m for IT

Clinical commissioning groups will get Ā£186m a year to spend on GP IT.
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Primary care contractor IT plans out

The NHS Commissioning Board will commission access to national IT services for primary care contractors; who will be responsible for
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GP IT faces anxious start to 2013

Primary care IT leaders have expressed concern about the late decisions that are being made on who will be responsible
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CCGs to commission GP IT this month

Clinical commissioning groups are expected to commission GP IT services from commissioning support units or other providers by the end
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No big change for GP IT – Hakin

New GP IT arrangements are likely to see staff that currently provide GP IT support in primary care trusts delivering
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INPS and EMIS to supply GP IT in Wales

NHS Wales has agreed a framework agreement with GP practice suppliers EMIS and INPS to provide a managed IT service
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Budget for GP IT lands with CCGs

Clinical commissioning groups will have responsibility for GP IT, but the funding arrangements for this new role remain unclear.
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