Gwyn Thomas


New brooms, old guards, core values

In the first of an occasional series on informatics professionalism for the Health CIO Network, UKCHIP chair Gwyn Thomas says
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Gwyn Thomas to retire from civil service

Gwyn Thomas has announced his retirement as chief information officer for Wales and informatics director for health and social services.
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Hart wins Assembly backing for health IT

Wales is establishing itself as a world leader in the use of digital technologies in health and social care, its
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Individual Health Record extended to acute care

Informing Healthcare has announced that the Individual Health Record has been used for the first time in acute care. Staff
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Wales extends use of emergency care record

Informing Healthcare, the Welsh NHS IT agency, has announced that it is to pilot an extension of the emergency care
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NHS Wales signs software deal with Microsoft

NHS Wales has signed a corporate licensing enterprise agreement with Microsoft covering the firm’s latest desktop and mobile computing software.
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In the vault

E-Health Insider talks to Gwyn Thomas, director of Welsh healthcare IT programme Informing Healthcare, about how his emphasis is on
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Health Records Infrastructure Programme Ended

The NHS Information Authority (NHSIA) has confirmed to E-Health Insider that it has decided to suspend its Health Record Infrastructure
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DH Shapes Up National IT Structures

The "Who Does What" debate at the top level of healthcare IT continues but the HC2003 audience at Harrogate this
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