

Mental health app wins NI hack day

The first Health Hack Northern Ireland event held last weekend was won by a group of clinicians and developers who
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Can you help me, Dr Geek?

The first Digital Doctors Conference in London covered the basics of programming. Lis Evenstad found delegates enthusiastic about everything from
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South London website hacked

South London Healthcare NHS Trust had to take down it website after it was hacked overnight on Tuesday
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NHS Appraisal site back online

The Department of Health has restored the NHS Appraisal Toolkit website which was taken offline last month after routine checks
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Hacker fears close NHS Appraisal website

The NHS Appraisal Toolkit has been taken offline for almost a month following concerns about its vulnerability to hackers. The
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Anderson: ‘prepare for more viruses’

A well-known IT security expert has told E-health Insider that hospitals need to accept that viruses exist and has urged
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Lancashire takes charge of USB ports

Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust has taken control of its USB ports using a data protection solution from Lumension Security.
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Hackers take puff out of anti-smoking ban sites

Two anti-smoking ban websites were redirected to the NHS Smokefree website over the weekend, after hackers changed the domain name
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‘Sealed envelopes’ on hold as policy debate continues

Local service providers (LSPs) are unable to deploy sealed envelope functionality because a clear specification looking at how the policy
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NHS telecoms fraud survey taken on by consultancy

An international consultancy company has stepped in to fill what it says is a hole in NHS telecommunications fraud prevention services
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