health inequalities


Digital Health and Care plan to form part of Sajid Javid’s NHS vision

The health secretary is due to outline how the government is planning to tackle the Covid backlog, improve social care
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How can Integrated Care Systems improve digital inclusion?

Sarah Boyd from Norfolk and Waveney Health and Social Care Partnership, explores how her ICS is using digital to improve
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New ÂŁ1.4m AI funding aims to reduce racial health inequalities

The funding, from the NHSX AI Lab and Health Foundation, aims to ensure healthcare solutions don’t “exacerbate existing health inequalities”.
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Will an uptake in digital health services have implications on inequalities?

The use of digital health services has risen over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic - but will this have
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National call for innovations to tackle LGBT health inequalities

The Academic Health Science Networks and LGBT Foundation have joined forces to find new ways to address the health inequalities
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Healthcare atlas maps NHS variations

A new NHS Atlas of Variation has laid bare the regional variations in treatment that patients receive based on what
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