

Telemedicine growing in use in Germany

Nearly 2000 patients with chronic heart problems and 200 with diabetes are now being monitored through a BKK Taunus telemedicine
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OECD countries need ehealth to reform

The vision of eHealth records being accessible in different European Union countries and beyond is now being looked at by
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Cameron says NHS heart replaced by “computer”

David Cameron,  leader of the Conservative Party, has accused the Labour government of ripping out the heart of the NHS
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Euroking’s new maternity goes live at Heart of England

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust has become the first hospital trust to go live with EuroKing Miracle’s E3 third
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Virtual reality heart failure pod goes on tour

  Doctors in the US are being given the opportunity to walk in the shoes of a patient with congestive
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Europe-wide heart monitoring trial shows promise

The organisers of a recently completed pan-European trial aimed at finding out if telecare can be an effective tool in
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Remote monitoring for heart patients in Newham

Newham University Hospital NHS Trust has officially launched a telemedicine service that allows patients to self-monitor their conditions from their
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Pacemaker sends SMS to warn of heart problems

A Dutch university medical centre has carried out the first patient implant of a pacemaker system that sends out SMS
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Software can read scans and detect heart disease

A computer program being developed in Finland could help to diagnose heart problems by interpreting images of the heart taken
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Walsall and Orion work on heart failure pathways

Walsall Primary Care Trust and Orion Systems have been chosen to produce a national demonstrator system for the electronic support
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