House of Commons


Mandatory incident reporting considered

The House of Commons Health Committee is looking at whether the national reporting of patient safety incidents should be made
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MPs demand action on health inequalities

Better data to inform resource allocation and more evaluation of government policies are needed to tackle the widening gap in
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QoF should tackle health inequalities – MPs

The Quality and Outcomes Framework needs radical revision to fully take account of health inequalities, according to MPs. A report
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NPSA Never Events policy welcomed

A company making IT systems to prevent wrong-site surgery has welcomed the launch of a national patient safety policy focusing
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UK Lords welcomes cross-border health

The United Kingdom’s House of Lords has welcomed a proposal from the European Commission for a Directive on patients’ rights
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NHS boss flew to India to check iSoft progress

David Nicholson has continued to take a hands-on role in the multi-billion pound NHS IT programme, flying to India to
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Choose and Book contract extended

The Department of Health has signed a two year extension with Atos Healthcare for the national Choose and Book contract.
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Little local difficulties with C+B

Health minister Ben Bradshaw has told MPs that local implementation issues are at the root of most complaints about Choose
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BMA calls for exemption on data sharing

The BMA is calling for confidential health information to be exempt from new government legislation which will allow sharing of
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Royal Free evaluates Cerner fixes

The Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust is evaluating the results of the three month rescue programme to fix known problems
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