

Northampton live with Medway Maternity

Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust has successfully deployed Medway Maternity at its main hospital site and will now roll it
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Mid Cheshire is 50th Medway site

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with a maternity information system from System C Healthcare, giving the
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System C buys Scottish web developer

System C Healthcare, a UK provider of health software and services to the healthcare sector, has acquired Conscia Enterprise Systems
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System C buys Liquidlogic

Healthcare IT software and services specialist System C has purchased UK social services software supplier Liquidlogic.
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System C buys Bluestar

System C has announced it has bought RFID specialist Bluestar, the latest in a series of acquisitions by the company.
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Medway and Frimley Park choose EuroKing

Medway NHS Trust and the Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have chosen EuroKing Miracle’s web-based maternity information system to
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System C Healthcare acquires Care Records

System C Healthcare, a UK healthcare software services and implementation consultancy, has acquired clinical system developer Care Records Ltd, from
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TPP used to support Bradford research project

The Born in Bradford project – a large study that will track the progress of more than 10,000 babies from
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Maternity delivery delays

Maternity systems form a core part of Local Service Providers' contracts under the NHS IT programme, but delivery has been
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NPfIT’s Evolution maternity dropped by Royal Shrewsbury

The NHS trust that was meant to be the pilot site for the National Programme for IT version of iSoft’s
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