Imaging informatics


RNOH takes McKesson PACS

The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust has signed a seven-year contract with McKesson for a picture archiving and communications system
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Teleradiology a medical act – ESR

Teleradiology should be redefined as a medical act rather than as a medical service, a new white paper on teleradiology
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Peer review to improve care

Radiologist peer review should be used to improve care rather than measure performance or identify underperforming radiologists, the Radiological Society
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Philips launches products at RSNA

Philips has released two new imaging products at the Radiology Society North America 2013 conference in Chicago.
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Use of diagnostic imaging revealed

Two in five patients using hospital services in 2012-13 had a diagnostic imaging procedure as part of their care, according
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Strong demand for VNAs – report

A new report from a US-based research firm predicts strong demand for vendor neutral archives over the next few years.
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Coventry and Warwickshire invest in VNA

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has signed a five-year contract with Visbion for a vendor neutral archive, which
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Radiologists ‘face battery hen future’

Outsourcing powered by technology will be the death of radiology as we know it in this country, a debate at
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UKRC debates dose monitoring registry

How to implement radiation dose monitoring for the UK population will be discussed at UKRC next week.
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EHI Imaging Informatics editor Kim Thomas talks through the informatics agenda at UKRC with Neelam Dugar and Anant Patel, who
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