Information Commissioner


Practice server found in car park

An Ipswich GP has been rapped by the Information Commissioner’s Office after a computer server holding sensitive information was found
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Imperial breaches the DPA

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has become the latest NHS organisation to be required to sign an undertaking not to
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Five trusts breach DPA

The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued further warnings to NHS bodies about the importance of protecting data, after revealing that
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GP raises concern about PDS security

Renewed concerns have been raised about the security of the Personal Demographics Service after a GP was able to access
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Kent rolls out System C’s IGFlow

System C has started to roll out a new information governance product across Kent, with six environments “ready to go.”
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ICO issues privacy guide; Salford rapped

The Information Commissioner’s Office has urged organisations to consider privacy before developing new IT systems or changing the way they
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NHS told to secure patient data

The Information Commissioner has written to the permanent secretary of the Department of Health demanding immediate improvements to the lax
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Patients will be able to delete their SCR

Patients will be allowed to request that their Summary Care Record is deleted after its creation, the Department of Health
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Four more organisations breach DPA

The Information Commissioner’s Office has taken enforcement action against another four NHS organisations, taking the number rapped for data breaches
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Hospitals breaking DPA every day

The BMA says hospitals are breaking the Data Protection Act on a daily basis by sending referral correspondence to the
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