

Edinburgh pulls plug on McKesson implementation

Lothian Health Board has announced that it has terminated its contract with McKesson for the provision of a Hospital Information
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Calculating the final bill

Anyone who reads the Times will be familiar with their ‘dine out for a tenner’ deals. Top London restaurants offer
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ComMedica integrates RIS and medical imaging

ComMedica Limited, the web-based clinical information and PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) software vendor, has launched its new Integrated
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NPfIT failing to engage with social care providers

Social services directors have written to NHS chief executive, Sir Nigel Crisp, pointing out that there is no structure for
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True costs of NPfIT greater than predicted?

The true costs of the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) are probably going to be much greater than any of
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NHS signs national deal with Oracle

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has signed a corporate licensing agreement with the Oracle Corp., that will provide NHS
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South awarded to Fujitsu

The Fujitsu Alliance has been awarded the final Local Service Provider (LSP) contract for the South of England to deliver the  NHS
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Two LSP contracts announced, South delayed until 2004

The National Programme for IT this morning announced that CSC and Accenture are the winners of two of the three
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Newcastle Hospitals awards Ferrania RIS/PACS contract

Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust has completed a pilot procurement of community-wide Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) and
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National US health information infrastructure called for

 The influential Institute of Medicine (IOM) has published a new report calling on the US Government to create national data
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