
Scottish GPs call for GP system choice

GP representatives in Scotland will this week hear criticism of government plans for an integrated primary and community care system
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GP2GP hits 100,000 transfers

Connecting for Health has announced that GP2GP has now completed over 100,000 electronic health record transfers. To date, 149 primary
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GP2GP exceeding targets

Connecting for Health’s GP2GP record transfer project is meeting its targets ahead of schedule and expects to reach 100,000 record
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Phase two EPS accreditation due within months

The first pharmacy and GP system suppliers expect to receive technical accreditation for release two of the Electronic Prescription Service
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GP2GP reaches 3,000 practices milestone

Over 3,000 practices are now able to transfer patient records electronically using GP2GP software upgrades, Connecting for Health has announced.
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A work in progress

EHI Primary Care editor Fiona Barr looks back on the developments during 2007 and shape of things to come in
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GP2GP transfer software installed in 2000 practices

Connecting for Health has announced that it has rolled out GP2GP record transfer software to its two thousandth practice and
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EMIS ahead of CfH GP2GP monthly targets

EMIS is ahead of Connecting for Health’s target of having 988 practices trained and installed with GP2GP v1.1 by the
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South edges towards ‘best of breed’ approach

The re-negotiation of the NHS IT Programme contract between Fujitsu and the NHS in the South of England appears to
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Six London trusts get RiO for mental health

Six mental health trusts in London are now using new IT systems, delivered under the NHS IT programme, to help
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