

IT Investment Gives Californian HMO an Edge Over the NHS

A comparison of the NHS and non-profit Californian health maintenance organisation, Kaiser Permanante, has revealed that investment in information technology
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Smart Specimen Bag Launched

A new version of the humble pathology specimen bag that can integrate test request information with the electronic patient record
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Fitzpatrick Steps Down From Health Media Group

Tony Fitzpatrick has stepped down as chief executive of Health Media Group PLC, the leading UK online health content firm,
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Milburn Pledges New IT Money and Partnerships

Health Secretary Alan Milburn used a Microsoft-sponsored Department of Health (DH) IT conference attended by Bill Gates to pledge an
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Computer Motion Recieves $2m Grant for Telesurgery Training

Computer Motion, Inc., the world’s leading developer of surgical robotic systems, has been awarded a $2m research and development grant
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Aventis Launches Doctor-Patient Internet Communications Tools

Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., the U.S. pharmaceuticals business of Aventis Pharma AG, has launched an Internet-based communications platform designed to link
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