

AI and Data start-ups should see NHS organisations as partners – Harrison

The most successful start-ups in the NHS will be those that see their relationship with the health service as a
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We need a new ‘layer cake’ approach to interoperability

Providers and integrated care systems should seize the opportunity to refresh and future-proof their interoperability strategies, writes Selina Sachar from
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Special Report: Interoperability

The conversation on interoperability has shifted. It is no longer discussed as a technology problem, but rather as a complex
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South London and Maudsley cuts blood test results wait times

South London and Maudsley mental health trust has partnered with ReStart on a new antipsychotic blood test system to help
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The King’s Fund interoperability report highlights relationships and technology

A report by The King’s Fund has highlighted the importance of relationships and technology for interoperability to progress in integrated
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Interoperable digital care can only be achieved with an open technology approach

With Integrated Care Systems now coming into effect ,Andy Meiner, chief revenue officer at ReStart, looks at what role interoperability
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techUK report highlights key digital recommendations for ICSs

The chairs and deputy chairs of the Digital Health Networks provided the foreward for the 'Right from the Start' and
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Special Report: Interoperability

With the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) vowing to help improve interoperability in healthcare, Jennifer Trueland investigates what impact
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Sussex Partnership and Enovacom team up for interoperability project

Sussex Partnership NHS FT has teamed up with Enovacom to develop a new electronic prescribing system which aims to widen
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CGI and GE Healthcare partnership supports rapid digitisation

CGI and GE Healthcare will take a ‘whole system’ approach and connect communities with health and care services as well
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