Liberating the NHS


End game for Davis and CfH announced

Katie Davis will step down as managing director for NHS Informatics by 1 September and NHS Connecting for Health will
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BMA calls for Lansley to resign

The British Medical Association called for Andrew Lansley to resign at its Annual Representative Meeting in Bournemouth this morning.
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Handful of CSSs to host data centres

All commissioning support services have the opportunity to become one of eight to ten new data management integration centres being
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Grant links IT to CCG success

The chair of the NHS Commissioning Board has said that the best clinical commissioning groups will be those with the
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CCG authorisation guide published

Clinical commissioning groups will be able to receive full authorisation by the end of October this year, in the first
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IT identified as key risk in NHS reforms

Dealing with the aftermath of the National Programme for IT in the NHS has been identified as one of the
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NHS to be ‘liberated’ by Easter

The Health and Social Care Bill has cleared its final Parliamentary hurdle, with doctors welcoming amendments on confidentiality, but opponents
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Government loses risk register fight

The government has been told it must publish one of the risk registers drawn up for the latest round of
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Lansley launches CCIO Leaders Network

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has launched the EHI CCIO Leaders Network, saying the technology gap between the NHS and other
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EHI focus on: South Staffordshire HIS

South Staffordshire Health Informatics Service has created a work-based informatics degree. EHI Primary Care reporter Rebecca Todd reports.
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