
Southwark CCG drops Babylon asthma AI pilot following GP at Hand concerns

A clinical commissioning group has dropped plans to pilot an asthma artificial intelligence project with Babylon, after concerns were raised
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NHS 111 here to stay – NHS England

NHS 111 will remain integral to NHS England’s plans to improve urgent and emergency care, despite criticism from GPs.
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NHS 111 should be scrapped – GPs

NHS 111 should be “scrapped” in its current form, GP leaders have said.
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GPs call for patient opt-in to care.data

GPs have called for patients to be able to opt in to their data being extracted from GP practices as
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Birmingham LMC objects to shared record

GP leaders in Birmingham have serious concerns about the region’s Central Care Record project to share patient information across health
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LMCs renew attack on NHS 111

GP representatives have expressed “serious concerns” about the roll-out of NHS 111 and claimed the government is ignoring lessons from
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LMCs worry about “imminent” end of GPSoC

Many practices will be left without an adequate IT system if a credible replacement for GPSoC is not agreed soon,
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Buckman attacks reforms and email plans

The British Medical Association’s GP leader has launched a blistering attack on the new Health and Social Care Act, saying
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Greenhalgh slams Burns SCR review

The leader of the independent Summary Care Record review has described the government's promise to doctors to conduct another review
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LMCs want IT performance standards

GPs have called upon the BMA’s GP Committee to negotiate minimum performance standards for IT systems, arguing that these would
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