

ICO ‘aware’ of Google DeepMind and Royal Free app concerns

The Information Commissioner’s Office has confirmed that it is “aware” of concerns about a trust’s collaboration with Google DeepMind on
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Tom’s digital disruptors: testing times for apps

The NHS Apps Library has closed after concerns were raised about the effectiveness and security of the apps it endorsed.
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NHS-backed apps put patient data at risk

Dozens of apps that feature in the NHS Health Apps Library put the privacy of patient data at risk, according
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Final approval for the ‘pathfinder’ stage of the controversial programme to go ahead will not be given until early
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One of the four pathfinders will start contacting patients about the re-launch of the controversial scheme later this month.
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Critics of say it is sitting in the “last chance saloon”. Sam Sachdeva looks at its prospects in the
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Lords to examine NHS identity bill

A bill proposing to mandate the use of a common patient identifier across the health and social care system will
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Single opt-out “needed” for patient data

Health authorities should implement a single Spine-based opt-out for identifiable patient data, covering all care settings, to respect patients' rights,
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An independent review on the first stage of NHS England’s controversial programme says a wide range of “unresolved” questions
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HSCIC admits to four HES data breaches

The Health and Social Care Information centre has admitted to repeated data breaches involving the Hospital Episode Statistics.
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