Mid Yorks


Digital roadmap focus: Wakefield

The small Yorkshire area wants some new health tech, the only problem is money.
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That was then…

Ten years after the start of the National Programme for IT in the NHS, what is its legacy to the
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Mid Yorks unearths data with Mongoose

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has implemented a new medical search engine to give clinicians “quicker and more efficient” access
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Mid Yorks deploys Ardentia BI

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has gone live with a business intelligence system from Ardentia.
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Dell supports MCC launch with trial data

Dell and Intel have published research showing that clinicians in ten hospitals across Europe achieved significant time and security gains
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Mid Yorks integrates kiosks with PAS

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has installed self service kiosks that integrate with its Ascribe patient administration system.
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