

Monitor to base tariff on PLICS

Monitor wants to shift the basis on which Payment by Results prices are calculated away from average costs and towards
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Monitor warns on FT finances

NHS foundation trusts are falling behind with their cost improvement plans and will find their finances under even greater strain
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RCN and RCM come out against bill

The Department of Health has expressed its “disappointment” with the decision of two royal medical colleges to announce their opposition
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Information Centre wins in ALB review

The NHS Information Centre has come out of the Department of Health’s arms length body review with a promise that
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Keogh to lead work on new stats for NHS

The government has set up a working group to develop a single hospital standardised mortality ratio for the NHS in
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Mid Staffs report demands stats overhaul

An independent report into the scandal at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust has called for an “impeccably independent and transparent
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Leicester goes big on digital dictation

SRC has completed its largest ever deployment of WinScribe digital dictation system at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
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Trusts ‘ignore patient safety alerts’

A patient safety charity has alleged that around three quarters of NHS trusts have failed to comply with at least
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Kent and Medway virtualises desktops

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust has chosen a thin client strategy to cope with increasing demands
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Mid Cheshire hit by Conficker worm

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been hit by the Conficker worm.
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