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Dr Maureen Baker, Caldicott Guardian for NHS Connecting for Health, outlines new guidance on the use of the Personal Demographics
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Vet centre

Dr Adam Darkins explains to Neil Versel why telehealth is key to the future of the Veterans Health Administration.
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Lansley outlines Tory NHS plans

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has pledged to cut the cost of NHS bureaucracy by a third at the Conservative
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IBM Italy launches telemedicine project

IBM is to launch a telemedicine project in Bolzano, Italy, designed to improve elderly patients' independence and quality of life,
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Merseyside chooses JAC for e-prescribing

The North Mersey Health Informatics Service has selected JAC to provide an electronic prescribing and medicines administration system to more
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NHS Direct Wales ‘needs new direction’

NHS Direct Wales provides a valuable service but needs to be better integrated into the wider unscheduled care system, according
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Audit Commission warns on poor records

The Audit Commission has called on organisations at all levels of the NHS to improve the standard of record keeping
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Robot report calls for greater debate

The Royal Academy of Engineering has published a report on the social, legal and ethical issues of using robots in
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Trust tracks and recovers stolen laptop

Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust has tracked down and recovered five stolen laptops after installing Computrace on the trust’s equipment.
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EHI’s industry round up 31.7.2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers new and upgraded products, system deployments and other developments at leading healthcare IT
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