NHS Direct


New Quality Mark Launched for Health Information

A new website and "Triangle Mark" have been launched by the Centre for Health Information Quality (C-H-i-Q’s) to help raise
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NHS Scotland Launches Updated IT Strategy

An updated IT strategy for the NHS in Scotland has been launched which aims to cut the 10m pieces of
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Medicdirect Launches Doctor Direct Helpline Service

UK health information website Medicdirect which currently supplies many of the leading ISP’s and broadcasters including Freeserve, NTL, GMTV, Telewest
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GPs Get Connected to NHSDirect

Patients registered with a group of practices in South West London have become some of the first to benefit from
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NAO Praises NHS Direct Implementation

The first national evaluation of NHS Direct, the flagship NHS nurse-led telephone health advice service, concludes that the service has
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BT to Deliver the Technology for Scotland’s NHS 24

NHS 24, the Scottish version of NHS Direct, has placed a £20.5m contract with BT to provide the telephone communications
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Report Says NHS Likely to Miss EPR Targets

A key report published one year on from the NHS IT strategy update ‘Building the Information Core’ warns that almost
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Boxing Day Busiest Ever Day for NHS Direct

NHS Direct, the UK national telephone health advice service, had its busiest ever day on Boxing Bay, as the holiday
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