NHS England


3ML pathfinder programme under review

NHS England is reviewing the struggling pathfinder programme that was supposed to deliver 100,000 telehealth users by the end of
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Care.data extractions on hold

Extractions of GP data for care.data have been halted while issues around patient awareness of the scheme are resolved.
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Another view

GP Neil Paul is just getting to grips with NHS England’s plans for care.data – and he’s worried about them.
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Info standards site launched

A new website dedicated to information standards in health and social care has been launched today.
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NHS England says no to VistA

NHS England has decided not to pay £7m to anglicise the US Veterans Health Administration’s open source electronic medical record,
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CIOs need to rethink roles

Chief information officers who are “too busy fixing the network” to address the business challenges of their organisations risk becoming
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Tinder to train patients online

The Tinder Foundation has won a £1m contract to train 50,000 people to use online health services over the next
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Digital care plans by 2015

Everyone with a long-term condition or disability must have a digital personalised care plan accessible online or via a mobile
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Care.data publicity ‘not adequate’ – GPC

The practice-based publicity campaign around care.data is “not adequate” and wider awareness raising activities will take place before extractions begin,
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Another year of PCD for commissioners

NHS England has submitted three Section 251 exemption requests to allow some patient confidential data to continue to flow to
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