NHS England


E-referrals service gets official launch

The new NHS e-referrals service has been officially launched by Beverly Bryant, NHS England’s director of strategic systems and technology.
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Common standards for US-UK tech services

The UK and US are working on common standards for technology services that will help UK health IT companies expand
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Nicholson wants big conversation on NHS

NHS England is to lead on the creation of a strategy for the health service that will try to build
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Care.data implemented this month

The first GP data extractions for the care.data programme start this month.
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Exemption to share SUS data granted

NHS England has been granted a six-month exemption to allow patient-identifiable data to flow to commissioners.
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The Big EPR Interview: Dr John Parry

The clinical director of TPP talks to Rebecca Todd about how it wants to see The Big EPR Debate shifted
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Half of US docs claim meaningful use

US Department of Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius has claimed a “tipping point” has been reached in America’s
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E-referrals to be open source

Two suppliers have been shortlisted to develop an open source ‘NHS e-referrals service’ that will be officially launched next month.
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‘All trusts’ to get some of £260m fund

All acute trusts are expected to get “some money" from a new £260m e-prescribing fund, but will have to match
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Section 251ed

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has had significant consequences for data flows in the NHS. Rebecca Todd reports.
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