North Staffordshire


North Staffs plans Skype consultations

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust plans to use Skype for video consultations in its outpatient department.
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North Staffs buys Oasis e-prescribing

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust has awarded a contract to Oasis Medical Solutions for its e-prescribing system.
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North Staffs COINs in savings

North Staffordshire’s community of interest network is expanding to include another 38 GPs and has reduced overall network spend by
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Staffs trust first on spine mini-service

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust has become the first to go live with an ITK spine mini-service by
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North Staffordshire invests in new COIN

North Staffordshire Information Technology Service is preparing to go live with an upgraded community of interest network (COIN).
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North Staffordshire OrQestrates PDS data

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust has become the first acute trust to access the Personal Demographics Service from
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