
Next Labour government needs to learn from IT failures of the past

Labour is committed to digital and pinning hopes of NHS renewal on AI. But the shadow Health Secretary should understand
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Converge around the person, not the technology

The debate on EPR convergence needs to acknowledge the inescapable variety of the health and care landscape and put people
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NHS digitisation expected to cost up to Ā£13bn ā€“ report

Officials developing NHS England's long term plan have estimated it will cost between Ā£10.9bn and Ā£12.9bn to support digitisation across
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Department close to settling 10-year NPfIT legal battle with Fujitsu

Digital Health News understands that the DHSC has now settled with Fujitsu for a further payment said to be in
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New Ā£10m exemplar initiative for Lorenzo trusts

NHS Digital has announced there will be a specific exemplar initiative for trusts using the electronic patient record Lorenzo
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Mid Essex goes live with Lorenzo EPR across organisation

Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust has gone live with DXCā€™s Lorenzo EPR with the go-live having gone "as well
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Digital Health’s review of the year, 2016

People and policies came and went at the top of healthcare IT, but some trusts pushed on with major projects
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Final three take Lorenzo deal

Three trusts have been granted central funding to deploy Lorenzo as an electronic patient record system, as part of the
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Lorenzo: the end of the beginning

The National Programme for IT in the NHS came to an end in the North, Midlands and East last week.
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North Staffordshire combined trust picks Lorenzo as its ROSE

The Department of Health has approved funding for North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust to deploy the Lorenzo electronic patient
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