Out of Hours


Birmingham and District use virtual waiting room to maintain patient safety

Birmingham and District GP Emergency Room was able to keep patients safe when a cyber attack occurred thanks to Ummanu's
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Somerset NHS Foundation Trust moves away from paper and pagers

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with a digital task management solution from Infinity Health in a bid to
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Part 2: Can tech help in averting next winter crisis?

In this second article of two-part series, Shreshtha Trivedi looks at how primary care and urgent care sector are using
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Central Manchester extends GP access

Patients in central Manchester are given extended access to GP practices as part of a data-sharing project.
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SCR uploads and viewings hit record high

Nineteen clinical commissioning groups have hit a 100% upload rate for Summary Care Records.
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Last 111 sites live in February

The last NHS 111 sites are due to go live with the service in February 2014, nearly a year after
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Surge in SCR uptake

Uptake of Summary Care Records amongst secondary care clinicians has been greater in the past nine months, than in the
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NHS Direct faces uncertain future

Ambulance trusts and GP out-of-hours providers will take over NHS 111 services from NHS Direct by the end of November.
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NHS Direct plunges into red

The on-going crisis in the roll-out of the NHS 111 service has pushed NHS Direct into deficit just one month
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Enter the CCG

Dr John Lockley, a GP and clinical lead for informatics at NHS Bedfordshire CCG, thinks he may have a solution
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