

Ovum Health and IBM partner to tackle infertility with AI

Fertility care provider Ovum Health has partnered with IBM to scale its web and mobile app-based chat and scheduling solution
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2011 “much tougher” for NHS IT

Analysts expect the NHS to stop spending money on IT in 2011; unless it can show that technology will provide
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Experts fear Punch and Judy election

The general election Policy and healthcare IT experts have urged an incoming government to resist the temptation to shake up
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Four in ten readers expect cuts

Four out of ten NHS IT staff are expecting their budgets to decrease next year, and a further 36% expect
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Renegotiating LSP deals may prove costly

A senior industry analyst has compared the potential cost of renegotiating the NHS’s local service provider contracts, worth £4 billion, to
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RCN develops telehealthcare resource

The Royal College of Nursing has announced that it is developing a telecare and telehealth resource for its members. The
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Gartner awarded market intelligence contract

The National Programme for IT has awarded a one-year £154,000 contract to IT analysts Gartner to provide it with market
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NPfIT enlists help with IT industry communication

The NHS National Programme for IT has recruited external help to improve communication with its IT suppliers by awarding a contract
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Patient First Alliance no longer in National Programme

With barely a month to go before the first Local Service Provider (LSP) contracts are awarded Patient First Alliance (PFA)
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