

Patients divided on pharmacy records

Patient opinion is divided over whether pharmacists should have access to electronic records, with more than a quarter opposing such a
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Guidance aims to boost use of EPS release one

Pharmacy bodies and Connecting for Health have teamed up to issue new guidance for pharmacists on release one of the
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E-prescribing round table report

The acute sector can learn from primary care when it comes to deploying e-prescribing, a round table discussion has concluded.
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Doctors and pharmacists join smartcard critics

With its rollout coming closer, critics of the German smartcard project are once again becoming louder. Three regional political representative
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Half of Scottish prescriptions sent electronically

Over half of all NHS prescriptions issued in Scotland are now sent electronically, latest figures show. Since the start of
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DH gives go-ahead for EPS Release 2

A regulatory impact assessment has given the green light to the next stage of the Electronic Prescriptions Service – one
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NHS Direct wins award for prescription pilot

NHS Direct’s Evelina Children’s Hospital information prescription pilot project has been awarded the 2008 Ask About Medicines Award for ‘Excellence
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New EPS clinical director appointed

Dr Manpreet Pujara, one of Connecting for Health’s national GP clinical leads, has been appointed as clinical director for the
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Latest BNFC interfaces with NHS dm+d

The new online edition of the latest BNF for Children – BNFC 2008 – will include a new interface to
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NLH to close clinical answers website

The National Library for Health (NLH) is to close its online clinical question and answer service this week despite protests
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