Read codes


The long Read

Read Codes are to be phased out across the NHS, and SNOMED CT must be used in primary care systems
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SNOMED to replace Read Codes by 2020

SNOMED to replace Read Codes by 2020 and primary care systems must move to the clinical terminology by the end
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NHS orgs invest in reference database

Eight NHS trusts and commissioning support units have invested in a weekly updated reference database of healthcare organisations.
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GP2GP to take in CTV3 systems

More GP systems will be accredited for GP2GP record transfer in the next two years, and these will include systems
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Hants GP wants explicit consent for SCR

A GP practice in Hampshire has recorded opt-out requests for the Summary Care Record from 20% of its patients, having
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What is in store for QoF?

The GP in charge of recommending changes to the Quality and Outcomes Framework tells Sarah Bruce what is on the
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IT and data quality incentive for Scottish GPs

Scottish GP practices will be able to earn an average of £3,800 over the next six months from an IT
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More recalling choice but figures remain low

Almost half of patients referred to hospital by their GP can recall being offered choice, according to fully published results
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New Read codes for hospital choice

GP practices have been advised to start using new Read codes to record choice of hospital as soon as possible
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Exercising Choice

When Connecting for Health appointed its GP clinical leads two years ago, there were three big issues on the primary
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