

GPs urge rethink on Choose and Book

Primary care trusts (PCTs) will fail to persuade GPs to use Choose and Book unless the system is overhauled, according
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MHRA to let patients report side-effects online

The DH have implemented changes to the way that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are reported and publicised, including allowing patients
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Brent goes live with Graphnet drug action team solution

Brent Primary Care Trust, north west London, has gone live with a new system developed by Graphnet to enable drug
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Vision users told they cannot be forced to switch

The National Vision User Group (NVUG), the independent body that represents users of InPractice Systems Vision primary care system has
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MRSA reporting to be improved by electronic lab link

Long-standing data quality problems with recorded occurrences of MRSA may be improved by the introduction of electronic incident reporting systems in
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WAP can be used for reporting symptoms, study finds

Italian researchers have shown that aftercare and patient communication might be improved if patients are asked to fill in daily questionnaires using
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NPSA introduces intelligent incident analysis system

The National Patient Safety Agency has awarded the contract for its new analysis and content management to the Cambridge-based software
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IT skills training saves staff time, survey reveals

The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is dramatically improving computer literacy in the NHS and saving staff time, a survey
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EMIS predicts signing deals with three LSPs

Primary care systems supplier EMIS has said that is confident that EMIS products and services will be available “working via
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IDX predicts $1 billion revenues from LSP contracts

IDX Corporation has revealed that it expects to see revenues of $1 billion (£525 million) over ten years from its
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