

Select committee transparency call rejected

A call from the Commons Health Select Committee calling for more transparency from Connecting for Health has been rejected by
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Delays in emergency service radios ’cause for concern’

Concerns have been raised about delays in implementing Airwave radio systems within emergency services in London, to ensure full coverage
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Community network for St Helens and Knowsley

St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust have begun deploying a new £4.2m Community of Interest Network (COIN) to link
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High-tech radios rollout for ambulances in 2007

A new radio system to be installed by all NHS ambulance trusts in England beginning in early 2007 will offer
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Academics call for NPfIT technical assessment

A group of 23 computer science academics from around the UK have written an open letter calling for an “independent
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UCLH streamlines voice traffic management

University College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH) has installed an advanced communications infrastructure that will control most of the 1.2
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EMIS sets out its version of ‘fact and fiction’

Primary Care systems supplier EMIS has issued its customers with a briefing about its relationship with the NHS National Programme for
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NHS CRS supplier wins top 50 growth award

Ardentia, who are supplying the data reporting software to BT Syntegra for implementation of the NHS Care Records Service, have
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BT awarded NHS broadband contract

BT has won the N3 (New National Network) contract to provide and manage a broadband network to link all NHS organisations
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NHS signs national deal with Oracle

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has signed a corporate licensing agreement with the Oracle Corp., that will provide NHS
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