Smart Phone


Jr doctor creates ward problems app

A junior doctor at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust has created an app to flag up problems and inefficiencies on
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NHS Direct to pilot GP appointment app

NHS Direct is considering a pilot that will allow patients in Lincolnshire to use a smartphone app or its website
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Cambridge spread ‘flu’ through phones

Cambridge University researchers have developed software for mobile phones to ‘infect’ others to simulate the spread of flu.
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500m mHealth users predicted by 2015

Smartphone applications will enable the mHealth industry to reach 500m Smartphone users by 2015, a new report by German firm
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CSC launches BlackBerry ‘super app’

CSC has partnered with Research in Motion to offer a secure new service that allows NHS staff to access and
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Leeds med students given iPhones

More than 500 medical students at the University of Leeds have been given iPhones so they can access progress files,
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Mayo Clinic to develop mobile phone apps

The internationally renowned Mayo Clinic has announced plans to jointly develop and sell mobile phone health applications.
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City and Hackney PCT chooses iPlato

City and Hackney Teaching Primary Care Trust (tPCT) has launched a mobile phone text appointment reminder service for patients attending
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