Social Media


Industry news in brief

This Digital Health News industry roundup covers a new framework agreement for BridgeHead Softare and a promising study of triaging
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NHS working with tech giants to battle coronavirus fake news

The NHS has announced it will work with the likes of Google and Twitter to help the public get easy
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Vascular consultant uses Facebook to connect with patients

Lorenzo Patrone joined a Facebook group whose members are affected by Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), a condition restricting blood flow
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Facebook’s health research head says doctors should have more patient data

Freddy Abnousi said researchers have evidence which suggests a person’s social life impacts their health more than almost any other
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Instagram and Snapchat worst for young people’s mental health

Instagram and Snapchat are the most detrimental to young people’s mental health and wellbeing according to The Royal Society for
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When wanted to promote its ‘Q score’ heart health tool, it turned to social media. Fiona Barr discovers why
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NHSBT log-in via social media

NHS Blood and Transplant has enabled users to log-on to its website using their social media credentials as part of
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Tweet talk

EHI Live visitors queued up for selfies with Dr Ranj; and then headed down to the Social Media Village to
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Dr Ranj’s social media dos and don’ts

Social media “opens you up” to public view, but also gives you the opportunity to inform and inspire people, Dr
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Power to the people: Ebola – hacking social cohesion

Paul Hodgkin wonders about the role that modern, social media tools could play in communications about Ebola; particularly when it
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