special report


Special Report: Imaging

With investment being awarded to digitise diagnostics across the NHS in England, Jennifer Trueland explores what impact this will have
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Special Report: AI and Data

In the post-pandemic world, the onus seems to be on the artificial intelligence (AI) to carry the healthcare sector forward.
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Special Report: Document Management

For many NHS trusts, electronic document management systems are a way to free up space and help improve patient pathways,
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Special Report: Integrated Care

Integrated care systems (ICSs) are likely to acquire statutory footing at some point in 2022. Maja Dragovic looks at how
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Special Report: Shared care records

As we head towards integrated care systems (ICSs) gaining statutory status, Claire Read investigates what this means for shared care
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Special Report: Interoperability

With the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) vowing to help improve interoperability in healthcare, Jennifer Trueland investigates what impact
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Special Report: Integrated Care

All parts of England have been covered by an Integrated Care System (ICS) since April 2021. Vivienne Raper investigates what
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Special Report: Imaging AI

During Covid-19, NHSX set up an initiative to support innovation in imaging AI, but has it made a difference? Vivienne
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Special Report: Medicines Management

With Covid-19 forcing many clinicians to rethink the way they work, Jennifer Trueland investigates what role medicines management technology can
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Special Report: Enterprise Imaging

Having a good imaging enterprise imaging system in place can help contribute to having the fullest picture of a patient
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